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How to Get Your Offer Accepted In Today’s Multi-Offer Market.

System - Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Property Management Blog



In today’s unprecedented real estate market, buyers and their agents are having to get creative when it comes to making their offer standout among the crowd. Don’t be dismayed if you don’t have big bucks to throw at sellers. Team Athey & Remarkable Property Management has more than 36 years of experience, and we’ve got a few tips on how to make certain your offer is viewed in a favorable light. In short, we can help make even the plainest offer more attractive.

Without a doubt the uncertainty surrounding the COVID 19 pandemic has left people hesitant to make a move. Instead many people are sitting and waiting to see what will happen with their job . . . the economy . . . the world in general. As a result, the housing market has a lower inventory of homes for sale, and for those who do want a new home the competition is fierce. In fact, many sellers are experiencing a virtual frenzy of buyer offers. So how do you make your offer standout?

For starters, you can do something as simple as write a heartfelt letter to the sellers. Buying and selling a home is as much of an emotional decision as it is a financial one. Touching the sellers heartstrings with your love of their precious home will make an impact. Describe yourself and your family if you have one.

Tell them how you envision gardening in the back yard, having family gatherings in the large den, enjoying the convenience of letting the kids walk to the nearby school, etc... A letter will make them view you as a person instead of a number on one of many offers. This tactic has worked for other buyers in the past and it could work for you.

Other ways to sweeten your deal is to offer to pay for the Title Policy. You can also pay for your own Homeowners Warranty policy if you want one instead of asking them for it.

Tell them you don’t need to wait to read the HOA documents in the latter part of the closing process. A time when you can still get out of the offer if you find something you don’t like in the documents. Instead you can ask for the listing agent to disclose the HOA documents up front with the Sellers Disclosure. This will make your offer stronger because it will be more of a for sure deal.

Here’s a tip that is certain to make a difference. Offer the sellers one thousand dollars up front. Tell them they can keep it even if you don’t buy their house. An offer like this shows you are serious and will get attention.

If you can swing it, and you have the ready cash in case the home doesn’t appraise for the amount, offer over the asking price. Just be certain you really want the home because you don’t want to be left with buyer’s remorse after the excitement of a bidding war has subsided.

To further strengthen your offer, send proof of funds you can buy over the price. You can even have your qualified lender call the sellers on your behalf and assure them you are a financially sound and serious buyer.

And last, but not least, your agent should make sure every detail of the contract is complete. They should be over- attentive when it comes to crossing every “t” and dotting every “I”. And be proactive when submitting all documents accurately and on time, following up to make certain information and payments have arrived as planned to the appropriate person. Nothing is more frustrating to a listing agent and seller than dealing with a buyer agent that might not know the details of pushing a contract through smoothly. Make sure your agent has the experience and knowledge to make it happen. Because careful planning, good intentions, sound financial offerings, and a little creativity will put you ahead in the race to a seller’s heart.

Hi, I’m Suzanne Athey, owner of Team Athey & Remarkable Property Management. I hope the above tips help you win the home of your dreams. If you’d like to talk further or learn more, call me at 469-916- 1222 or email me at suzanne@teamathey.com. I’d love to visit with you and answer all your real estate questions. 

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